Shabbat Mincha-Ma'ariv
Shabbat Mincha-Ma'ariv
The Mincha service begins on page 214 (use Mincha Nusach)
Ashrei p.214-215
Kedushah D'sidra p.216-217
Hatzi Kaddish Mincha p.217
We face the ark as we begin the Torah service (after Va'ani, use Shabbat morning Nusach).
Torah service p.218
L'cha Adonai p.218
Before and after your aliyah at the Torah, you say these blessings:
Torah Blessings p.219
As we lift, wrap and put the Torah back in the ark, we say these prayers:
V'zot Hatorah p.220
Y'hallelu Hodu p.221
Etz Chayim p.222
Before we begin together, take three steps back and three steps forward (use Shabbat morning Nusach until Kedushah).
Amidah - Avot and Gevurot p.223-224
Kedushah p.225
Tzidkatcha p.230
We conclude the Mincha service with Kaddish and Aleinu:
Kaddish Shalem End of Mincha p.230
Aleinu p.231
Ma'ariv begins:
V'hu Rachum-Barchu p.264
Ma'ariv Aravim p.264
V'ahavatcha p.264
U'malchuto-Ga'al Yisrael p.267
U'shmor Tzetienu p.267
Ki Hamalchut p.269
Hatzi Kaddish Ma'ariv p.269
Kaddish Shalem Ma'ariv p.280
Aleinu p.281
Havdallah (here are examples of ways to sing Havdallah but feel free to use your own melody) page 283.
Hinei El Yeshuati p.283
Tue, September 10 2024
7 Elul 5784