Shabbat Services
Shabbat Services
Traditional Shabbat Morning Services are held weekly at 9:30 a.m. in the HEA Sanctuary with the exception of Shir Hadash b'nai mitzvah. The services is split into Shacharit, Torah Service (Triennial Year 1), and Musaf services. Shacharit is the name for the service that begins every day. It starts with P'sukei D'Zimra (introductory psalms and prayers) and includes both the Shema, with its accompanying blessings, and the Amidah.
Shir Hadash occurs on the third Shabbat of the month. It is a musical service where participants are encouraged to unite their voices in soulful melodies gathered from Jewish communities around the world. This two-hour service features the essential elements of traditional liturgy, with explanations from the Rabbis to help worshipers better understand our prayers and the weekly Torah portion.
Shir Shacharit, also occurring monthly, is in the style of Shir Hadash, but the service only includes P'sukei D'Zimra and Shacharit. The service does not include a Torah reading or a sermon. At the service's conclusion, attendees can join the Traditional service for Torah reading and Musaf or participate in a Torah for Today class taught by one of our Adult Ed teachers, rabbis, and other Jewish scholars.
We have a fun-filled Shabbat morning sing-along Tot Shabbat and play time for the little ones and their adults every second Saturday of the month at 10:45 a.m.
Please look at the calendar below for the start times of all services and Shabbat Afternoon Mincha/Ma'ariv services start times.
Join us at our services to recite Kaddish for a loved one. Contact the office if you plan to attend a Torah service so you can be given an Aliyah in memory of your loved one’s yahrtzeit.
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 8 , 2025Shir Shacharit
Shabbat, Feb 8th 9:30a to 10:30a
An abridged Shir Hadash services that ends before the Torah portion and Torah for Today class in the main building. -
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 8 , 2025Traditional Shabbat Services
Shabbat, Feb 8th 9:30a to 12:00p
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 8 , 2025Torah for Today Class
Shabbat, Feb 8th 10:30a to 11:15a
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 8 , 2025Mincha/Maariv services
Shabbat, Feb 8th 4:45p to 6:00p
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 15 , 2025Traditional Shabbat Services
Shabbat, Feb 15th 9:30a to 12:00p
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 15 , 2025Torah for Today Class
Shabbat, Feb 15th 10:30a to 11:15a
Parashat Bo 5785 / פָּרָשַׁת בֹּא
/ 3 Sh’vat 5785
Parashat Bo is the 15th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading.
Torah Portion: Exodus 10:1-13:16
Bo (“Come”) recounts the last three plagues that God inflicts on the Egyptians: locusts, darkness, and death of firstborns. God commands the Israelites to offer a Passover lamb sacrifice. After the last plague, Pharaoh and the Egyptians demand that the Israelites leave. [1]
Triennial year 3
- 1: 12:29-32 · 4 p’sukim
- 2: 12:33-36 · 4 p’sukim
- 3: 12:37-42 · 6 p’sukim
- 4: 12:43-51 · 9 p’sukim
- 5: 13:1-4 · 4 p’sukim
- 6: 13:5-10 · 6 p’sukim
- 7: 13:11-16 · 6 p’sukim
- maf: 13:14-16 · 3 p’sukim
Haftarah: Jeremiah 46:13-28 · 16 p’sukim
If the above information has not been updated before Shabbat, please refer to
Shabbat Morning Services are IN-PERSON & Livestreamed (Traditional and Shir Hadash).
Click HERE for the livestream link.
Fri, February 7 2025
9 Shevat 5785