In this week’s parsha – Ki Tisa – God commands the people of Israel to contribute to the maintenance of the Mishkan (tabernacle). The Torah says in Exodus 30:
When you take a census of the Israelite people… everyone who is entered in the records shall pay a half-shekel… the rich shall not pay more, and the poor shall not pay less than half a shekel when giving God’s offering as atonement for your persons.
In his commentary known as Iturei Torah, Aaron Yaakov Greenberg asks: Why was Moses commanded to collect a half-shekel from each person rather than a full shekel? Greenberg observes: “In this commandment, the Torah comes to say to each person of Israel that they will never achieve wholeness as long as they are on their own; rather, only after joining with another person… And not just that, but no person ever knew who it was that joined them in paying the [other] half-shekel in order to complete the whole shekel. This matter teaches us that even the most simple Jew has the power to complete even the greatest person in the community.”
The contribution of the half-shekel reminds us that a community is made up of people who contribute something of themselves to make up the whole. The commandment that everyone – regardless of means – must contribute meant that every Israelite was a stakeholder in the project of creating a holy community.
The Hebrew Educational Alliance was founded over 90 years ago by the dedicated volunteers of the Beth David Sisterhood. We are the beneficiaries of their half-shekels, and we continue that legacy by adding our own contribution. Here at HEA, we are blessed with an active, engaged, and empowered congregation where people roll up their sleeves and make things happen. Every program, event, and service we do relies on volunteers who organize, plan, schlep, safeguard, and schmooze.
Next Shabbat we will celebrate many of our most active volunteers who represent the countless members who work to support our community. Please join us next Saturday morning, March 9, as we honor our volunteers during the Shabbat morning Torah service. At this time, we will recognize volunteers from our Sisterhood, Security Greeter Team, Davening Team and service leaders, HEArt religious school, Preschool, HEAConnect groups, Choirs, Board of Directors, Disability and Multi-Heritage Family advocacy groups, Minyan, Azamra, Shabbat Gabbaim, Anniversary Celebration Planners, and more. Please come and be recognized for your service to the HEA community.
Services will be followed by a special kiddush sponsored by the HEA Sisterhood in honor of our volunteers and the founding families of HEA who will be recognized at the HEA Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, March 10. For more information and to purchase tickets before the deadline tonight, click HERE.
There are so many ways that you can get involved and contribute your own “half-shekel” of talent and energy to HEA. Here are just a few:
Board and Committee Nominations
Nominations are now open for the HEA board of directors and several important committees. We are looking for leaders with skills and experience in fields such as finance, fundraising, law, real estate, education, community organizing and non-profit management, social services, and construction.
Aside from the board, we are looking for volunteers to serve on several committees and task forces including: Development, Membership, Finance, Building and Facilities, Programming and Community, Hesed (outreach to members in need), Education and Youth, Multiheritage Family Inclusion, and Disability Access. If you or someone you know is interested in serving on our board or on a committee, please contact Leslie Alger – VP of Governance and Chair of the Nominations Committee – at Nominees must submit an application by Monday, March 11.
Volunteers to Help Return Shir Hadash to the GYC on a Weekly Basis
Shir Hadash – our musical Shabbat morning service – started over 12 years ago as a weekly service in the warm and intimate space of our beautiful Goldberger Youth Center. We are pleased to announce that after a long disruption caused by the pandemic, we plan to return Shir Hadash to the GYC. With increased concerns for security, hosting Shir Hadash in the GYC will require several volunteers to serve on the Greeter/Safety Team and as gabbaim. We need your help. To volunteer, please contact Olivia Wallen at
The Iturei Torah says that no one knew whose half they completed. When you volunteer of your time and resources to building and maintaining our kehillah kedoshah – our sacred congregation – your efforts make a greater impact than you might imagine. Your contributions make it possible for people of all ages to pray, connect, find comfort, celebrate, mourn, and learn. To all of our wonderful volunteers we thank you and we look forward to celebrating you next Shabbat.
Shabbat Shalom!